Who we are

We are a family of individuals who are saved and united by the love of Christ. Our heart is to help everybody experience the joy of knowing Jesus and being known in community.

Our Story

While Chris (pastor) was still studying at a seminary in Jacksonville (TX), a dear friend encouraged him to consider planting a church. After much prayer and waiting, God led him toward Austin. Chris and his family moved to Austin in 2019 and the church was birthed in 2020.

The name ‘Anchor Austin’ is based on Hebrews 6:19 and comes out of a deep desire to see all of Austin be ‘anchored’ in the truth of the gospel.

Our Vision


We are committed to loving God with all our heart, soul and mind. (Matt 22:37-38)


We are committed to nurturing relationships and loving one another. (Matt 22:39-40)


We are committed to loving the lost and making disciples. (Matt 28:19-20)

Our Values

  • Anchored in Christ

    All of who we are and what we do comes from being fully anchored in Jesus Christ and his finished work on the cross.

    Hebrews 6:19

  • Share the Gospel

    We are committed to sharing with others the good news of Jesus through word and deed.

  • Invest in Others

    We value intentionally investing in others by doing life with them and helping them grow in their faith.

  • Create Community

    We believe that we as a church are called to create a loving community wherever God has placed us. As a local church, we want to be a safe space for people to discover God.